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Talks as invited Speaker or Keynote
December 2024: On factor copula-based mixed regression models. Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2024), London (UK).
December 2024: Mathematical modelling for HIV-ZIKV co-infections. 2024 IMS International Conference on Statistics and Data Science (France).
November 2024: Infectious disease modelling. ESPUM (Montréal)
September 2024: Modelling behaviour. BIRS workshop (Canada).
August 2024: Navigating Different Stages of a Successful Career in Academia, Industry, and Beyond (by IMS and CANSSI). Joint Statistical Meeting (USA).
July 2024: On factor copula-based mixed regression models. Matrix Workshop (Australia).
June 2024: Mathematical modelling for HIV-ZIKV co-infections. Annual meeting of the Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society, Kingston .
June 2024 : Test of serial dependence for multivariate time series with arbitrary distributions. Annual meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada, St John’s.
June 2024 : Introduction to copulas. Colloque francophone interfacultaire de recherche en biostatistique, ESPUM (Montréal).
January 2024 : Social media for infectious disease surveillance using deep learning models. U. de Sherbrooke
December 2023: Mathematical modeling of mpox: a scoping review. Canadian Mathematical Society, Montréal.
November 2023: Social media for infectious disease surveillance using deep learning models. The UAE University.
October 2023: On factor copula-based mixed regression models. Windsor U.
October 2023: On factor copula-based mixed regression models. Ibn Tofail University, Morocco.
October 2023: On factor copula-based mixed regression models. Waterloo U.
October 2023: Social media for infectious disease surveillance using deep learning models. U. Moncton
August 2023: On factor copula-based mixed regression models. York U
August 2023: One health Data portal for infectious disease. AARMS.
June 2023: On factor copula-based mixed regression models. NAMOS 2023. Vancouver
June 2023: Best practices for writing a grant proposal. Next Generation for Mathematics for Public Health. Fields Institute.
June 2023: Bayesian network approach to develop a generalizable predictive model for COVID-19 vaccine uptake. CAIMS annual meeting 2023
May 2023: The Collaborative Statistician: Learning the Tricks of the Trade. Biostatistics Section, Annual meeting of Statistical Society of Canada 2023.
May 2023: Individual Flood Adaptation Behaviors. Mathematics for Complex Climate Challenges. Waterloo U.
March 2023: Copula-based regression models: the good, the bad and the ugly. Biostatistics Seminar. McGill U.
March 2023: Spatio-temporal Markov regime-switching models, an application to Dengue data in Colombia. Colloquium on Mathematics for Public Health. Fields Institute
February 2023: ​ Artificial Intelligence in health sciences. 2nd edition of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence \& Industrial Applications A2IA'2022, Meknes (Morocco) (hybrid). (Keynote Speaker)
December 2022: Spatio-temporel modelling. Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2022),
London (UK).
December 2022: Artificial Intelligence for Infectious diseases. Sanofi lecture series.
November 2022: Panel discussion. China-Canada Symposium on Modelling, Prevention and Control of Zoonoses, China.
November 2022: Artificial Intelligence for Infectious diseases. China-Canada Symposium on Modelling, Prevention and Control of Zoonoses, China.
November 2022: Non-central squared copulas: Properties and applications. Melbourne U, Melbourne (Australie).
October 2022: Artificial Intelligence for Infectious diseases. Symposium on Machine Learning and Data Modelling in the Biomedical Sciences (York University).
August 2022: 1st International Conference of CSDA \& EcoSta Workshop on Statistical Data Science, Bologna (Italy). Title: Non-central squared copulas: Properties and applications.
August 2022: The 2022 joint Statistical meeting. Washington, DC. A random walk through empirical processes.
June 2022: Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mathematical Society. St-John's (Canada). Test of serial dependence for multivariate time series with arbitrary distributions.
June 2022: 5th International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics (EcoSta 2022), Japan. Title: Spatio-temporal modelling of infectious diseases dynamics
May 2022: Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada, Online Title: Change-point problems for multivariate time series using pseudo-observations.
April 2022: ESPUM, Montreal. Midi-Causerie - L'utilisation des réseaux sociaux pour la surveillance de maladies infectieuses
Mars 2022: Seminar at StatScale seminar (Cambridge U and Lancaster U). Title: Change-point problems for multivariate time series using pseudo-observations. PDF
December 2021: 14th International Conference of the ERCIM WG Computational and Methodological statistics (CMstatistics 2021), London (UK). Title: est of serial dependence for multivariate time series with arbitrary distributions.
November 2021: 2021 AI/MDRS CMDO. Title: Social media & Covid-19 pandemic
November 2021: CANSSI Showcase: EDI Townhall (CANSSI & SSC). Title: The SSC-EDI committee, role and goals
October 2021: StatLab, CRM. Title: Test of serial dependence for multivariate time series with arbitrary distributions
September 2021: Seminar at University of Toronto, Toronto. Title: Non-central squared copulas: Properties and applications.
September 2021: 2021 Mathematics-Tianyuan China-Canada Symposium on Modelling, Prevention, and Control of Infectious Diseases, Online, China. Title: School and community reopening during the COVID-19 pandemic: a mathematical modelling study.
October 2020: Seminar at Sherbrooke University, Sherbrooke. Title: Non-central squared copulas: Properties and applications.
June 2020 : Table ronde sur La santé à l'heure des changements climatiques. Forum de la rel ve  tudiante pour la sant  au Québec (FRESQue), Montréal.
February 2020: Seminar at McGill University, Montréal. Title: Non-central squared copulas: Properties and applications.
December 2019: 12th International Conference of the ERCIM WG Computational and Methodological statistics (CMstatistics 2019), London (UK). Title: Copula-based dynamic models for multivariate time series.​
September 2018: Seminar at Windsor University, Windsor. Title: Copula-based nonstationary conditional quantiles.
June 2018: Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada, Montréal. Title: Non-parametric change point problems using multipliers.
February 2018: Seminar at GERAD, Montréal. Title: copula-based non-stationary conditional quantiles.
December 2017: 10th International Conference of the ERCIM WG Computational and Methodological statistics (CMstatistics 2017), London (UK). Title: Nonstationary copula-based conditional quantile approach.
October 2017: Seminar at Université Laval, Québec. Title: Nonstationary copula-based conditional quantile approach.
July 2017: 61st International Statistical Institute, Marrakech (Morocco). Title: On copula-based conditional quantile estimators.
July 2017: 4th days of Econometrics for Finance, Rabat (Morocco). Title: On copula-based conditional quantile estimators.
November 2015: Seminar at Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke. Title: Copula-based quantile estimation and inference.
March 2015: Annual meeting of Les filles et les sciences, Qu\'ebec. Title: Promotion of statistics, statistically probable.
February 2015: Interview for Futur simple-Radio 89.1, Qu\'ebec. Discussion on extremes events in statistics (30 min).
November 2013: Statistics. Pedagogical day at Cegep de Ste-Foy, discovering exciting professions in the field of numbers.
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