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1. Nasri BR, Remillard BN, Nešlehová JG, Genest C (2022). MixedIndTests: Tests of Randomness and Tests of Independence.
2. Nasri, B.R (2020). NCSCopula: Non-Central Squared Copula Models Estimation Version 1.0.1.
3. Nasri, B.R. and Thioub, M.Y. GenHMM1d: Goodness-of-Fit for Univariate Hidden Markov Models Version 0.1.0.
4. Nasri, B.R., and B.N. Rémillard (2019). GaussianHMM1d: Inference, Goodness-of-Fit and Forecast for Univariate Gaussian Hidden Markov Models Version 1.0.1.
5. Thioub, M.Y., B. Nasri, R.Pieugueu and B. Rémillard (2018). HMMcopula: Markov regime switching copula models estimation and goodness of fit.
6. Nasri BR, Remillard BN (2021). changepointTests: Change Point Tests for Joint Distributions and Copulas
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