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  • Understand the dynamics of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) through integrative modelling approaches,  $149 920  [Principal applicant]

  • Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Health Data Sciences, CIHR/Training Grant: HRTP,  $5 550 000 [Co-Applicant]

  • Network Digital health & FRQS /Thematic Network, $3 600 000 [co-Principal applicant]

  • Modélisation des défis émergents (STRATÉGIA),  $885 825 [Co-Applicant]

  • High-dimensional hierarchical data with  complex dependency structures, $233 125 [Principal applicant]

  • Long COVID Web: Pan-Canadian Post-COVID Condition Research Network, $19 999 923 [Co-Applicant]

  • Epidemiological modelling of behavioural impact on Mpox mitigation strategies, $412 000 [Principal applicant]

  • Modelling human behaviour response to public policy and its impact on infectious disease spread - case studies using AI/ML, data science, game theory and optimization, $200 000 [Co-Applicant]

  • Modèles de dépendance de séries temporelles en grandes dimensions /Dependence modelling for high dimensional time series [Principal applicant, individual grant] ($15 000) 

  • Dependence modelling for arbitrary distributions [Principal applicant, individual grant] ($127 500) 

  • Climate changes and their impacts on public health [Start-up grant] ($20 000)

  • Chercheure boursière Junior 1 FRQS en intelligence artificielle en santé et santé numérique :  Surveillance en temps réel des risques des changements climatiques sur la santé publique ($80 000) [Principal applicant, individual grant]


  • Chercheurs-boursiers Junior 1 en intelligence artificielle et santé numérique ($225 075) [Principal applicant, individual grant]

  • Using personal social media to enhance event-based surveillance of COVID-19: a proof of concept, $270,273 [Co-Applicant]

  • Identifying disease determinants and forecasting potential of co-circulating arboviruses, $317,476 [Co-Applicant]

Stochastic Prediction of Emerging Climate-Related and Health Threats @ UdeM

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Compartmental models
A stochastic analysis of a SIQR epidemic model with short and long-term prophylaxis.  (Submitted by Sekkak*, Nasri,* Rémillard*, Kong and Khalifi, 2022+).

Containing and managing an emerging disease outbreak: a stochastic modelling approach. I. Sekkak, J. D. Kong, B. Nasri and M. El Fatini. Revision requested SIAM Journal on ADS

Near-optimal stochastic control for radiotherapy treatment in a random cancer model. Bouggar Driss; Mohamed El Fatini; Imane El Hichamy; Bouchra R. Nasri, Idriss Sekkak. Submitted 

Is there a risk of Chikungunya outbreak with autochthonous transmission in Ontario, Canada? Under Review Acta Tropica. (Submitted by Song, Ogden, Rees, Deng,  Nasri, Moyles, Jin, Zhu, 2022+). 

A review of empirical processes and its applications in probability and statistics: A random walk through empirical processes (2022). Canadian Journal of Statistics (by Csörgő, Dwason, Nasri, Rémillard).

School and community reopening during the COVID-19 pandemic: a mathematical modeling study (2022). Royal Society Open Science (by Yuan, Aruffo, Ogden, Tan, Gatov, Gournis, Collier, Nasri, Moyles, Li, Zhu)
Text Classification;  Social media data 
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Other stochastic models.
A Deep Learning-based Approach for Early Detection of Potential COVID-19 Patients Using Self-Reported Symptoms on Twitter. In preparation

Exploration of Lyme Disease Incidence Rate Modeling and Risk Assessment Mapping using Twitter and Google search. In preparation
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Goodness-of-fit tests and regime selection procedures for general autoregressive hidden Markov Models with covariates (Submitted by Nasri, Rémillard, Thioub, 2022+).
Spatio-temporal Markov regime-switching models based on copulas (In preparation, 2022+).

Hydrological regime variability over the Quebec-Labrador peninsula (Canada) during the last centuries (2020). Water Resources Research (by Nasri, Boucher, Perreault, Rémillard, Huard, Nicault).

GaussianHMM1d: Inference, Goodness-of-Fit, and Forecast for Univariate Gaussian Hidden Markov Models Version 1.0.1. (by Nasri, Rémillard 202

Thioub, M.Y., B. Nasri, R.Pieugueu and B. Rémillard (2018). HMMcopula: Markov regime-switching copula models     estimation and goodness of fit.

Nasri, B.R. and Thioub, M.Y. GenHMM1d: Goodness-of-Fit for Univariate Hidden Markov Models Version 0.1.0.
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Images of Arctic sea extent provided by the National Snow & Ice Data Center.

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Change-point and serial dependence tests
Test of serial dependence for multivariate time series with arbitrary distributions. Revision Submitted, Journal of Multivariate Analysis (by Nasri 2022+).

Change-point problems for multivariate time series using pseudo-observations (2022). Journal of Multivariate Analysis (by Nasri, Rémillard, Bahraoui).

MixedIndTests: Tests of Randomness and Tests of Independence (2021). (by Nasri, Rémillard, Neslehova, Genest)

changepointTests: Change-Point Tests for Joint Distributions and Copulas (2021). (by Nasri, Rémillard)

Copula-based dynamic models for multivariate time series (2019). Journal of Multivariate Analysis (by Nasri, Rémillard). 

Replication methods for financial indexes (2018). In Innovations in Insurance, Risk and Asset Management, Aleksey Min, Matthias Scherer, and Rudi Zagst editors, Springer Proceeding in Mathematics & Statistics (by Rémillard, Nasri, Ben Abdellatif)
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